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Online Word Counter

Please Insert Your Paragraphs
Number of Alphabets :
Number of Words :
Number of Spaces :
Sentences :
Number of Dots :
Number of Question Marks (?) :
Number of Exclamation Marks (!) :
Pure Words :

What is Online Keywords Counter

The Keyword Counter is a tool for calculating the number of words or more in writing. This tool is useful for calculating the number and intensity of words in your writing. This tool is very important for Search Engine Optimization or commonly called Search Engine Optimation (SEO). By knowing the depth or intensity of keywords in your writing, your ranking for optimizing these keywords on search engines like Google, Yahoo or Bing will be better. The keyword counting tool can be used free without installation and download. Simply copy and paste the text in the column provided above and enter the keyword you want to calculate in the column provided below.
May be useful !!

What is Word Counter

This online word counter tool to find out number of words , letters and sentences in writing before the writing is used or submitted. How to use it is quite easy just by copying and pasting your writing in the column above and the results can be seen instantly. This tool functions almost the same as the product microsoft word on Microsoft Office. The difference from this tool with Microsoft Word is that this tool does not only count words but can also count letters, spaces and sentences.

In addition to calculating words, letters, spaces and sentence this tool also provides analysis of writing by counting the number of your letters without spaces, periods, exclamation points and question marks. With this tool the writing can be analyzed by the number of words pure. Pure words are words without points, spaces, exclamation marks and question marks.

To try the effectiveness of this tool you can use short words that can be calculated manually especially first. Or You can copy and paste the sentences from any text and paste them in the column above. Online word counters are free tools that you can use anytime and anywhere.

This free online word counter is specifically made for:

  • Students
    As a Students, you are often given assignments with a minimum number of words before being handed over to your teacher or lecturer. This free online word count counter is useful for you to know the number of words that are already made.
  • Teacher, Lecturer or Teaching Staff
    As a teacher, lecturer or teaching staff you need to check the results or assignments that you have given to students you are in accordance with the minimum number of words required. Do the tasks that have been submitted contain too lots of dots and spaces.
  • Professional Workers
    In professional work such as secretaries, lawyers or notaries sometimes make the documents they want known the number of pure words. This free online word counting tool will be useful to facilitate your work

Thank you for using this Free Online Word Counter. Hopefully it is useful in helping your work